Client:                                     Malaria No More UK

Period of performance:      July — Sept 2023


During the Women Deliver Conference 2023 held in Kigali, Rwanda, the MNMUK and DD team had a fantastic lunch catch-up.

 One of the outputs from this meeting of minds and hearts was a request for DD to support the planning and execution of an Away-Day Session for the MNMUK Nairobi Team for the members to reflect deeply on various aspects of their team’s culture, achievements, challenges, and opportunities for improvement. This initiative was part of a broader effort to create a more transparent and inclusive culture within the organization, bringing out a sense of collaboration and trust among team members.


On the 3rd of August 2023, Development Dynamics facilitated a full day of individual and collection reflection and collaboration towards future-casting. Through various activities we facilitated, the MNMUK team journeyed through their personal histories, growth experiences, and moments and delved into the best version of their future selves. The exercises encouraged participants to draw parallels between their life journeys and the organizational milestones that had shaped MNMUK. As the Away Day progressed, participants made cultural pledges envisioned as pragmatic action points to cultivate a transparent culture within the organization.


Born from this workshop was a desire and commitment to create a work environment where team members felt engaged, valued, and empowered. The workshop provided a safe space for expression and reflection. It synchronized the team’s efforts, brought out how to capitalize on each member’s unique strengths and perspectives, and, in turn, brought more significant value to MNMUK’s mission and goals.


Our unparalleled expertise in planning for and facilitating participatory convenings allows your organization, network, and community to identify and map practical roadmaps to deal with complex challenges and seek collaborative solutions aligning with their values and goals. For more, reach out to Moses, our Impact & Innovations Analyst, at