Movement Building for Social Impact 


Movement Building can be defined as the process of organising and mobilising communities and/or constituencies to respond to common problems and concerns. It involves developing a shared understanding of why the problem exists, a common vision and agenda for change, short and long term strategies, and defining shared principles.

At the core of social change and impact, organisations and individuals alike have seen the importance and benefits of building and working collaboratively in movements to accelerate and scale their efforts to tackle social issues and effect change. While there have been great strides with this approach, the space and understanding of movement building still remains one to explore and define especially in the African context.

The Movement Building for Social Impact (MBFSI) provides Development Dynamics a unique opportunity to be the market leader in social movement building providing contextualised and localised solutions for stakeholders that seek to initiate social change in diverse social issues.

Through human-centred and community driven design thinking, we aim to foster collective action amongst our partners and stakeholders to recognise the power of movements in addressing issues through a systemic approach. We recognise that in the current society where there

is a multiplicity of social, economic and environmental challenges, there is a need to work in collaboration to have impact in communities that goes beyond immediate and superficial solutions to addressing root causes for these issues.


The MBFSI is an approach to catalyse and amplify sustainable change, and an inclusive approach to social change. We purpose to support our stakeholders to work together to create solutions that not only address immediate needs but lay the foundation for long-term social change and impact.

It is designed to empower change-makers with the knowledge and skills to effectively build and lead social movements in their different spheres of influence.


  • Mobilise for action 
  • Drive social impact and systemic change: 
  • Mobilise action 
  • Create sustainable solutions: By collaborating with diverse stakeholders and partners working on a platitude of social issues, the MBFSI 
  • Build strategic partnerships and alliances: The MBFSI is a space that fosters networking and collaboration among participants and stakeholders, and encourages knowledge sharing to understand experiences, challenges and opportunities.


Key activities

Other key activities for the movement building include:


Organise workshops, capacity building, community dialogues to facilitate discussions on movement building; the strategies for success, opportunities that present themselves, challenges and strategies to overcome barriers.

Digital Campaigns

Utilise social media platforms, blogs, webinar sessions and online conversations to amplify messages on movement building and reach wider audiences and communities. 


Foster and forge partnerships and alliances with other organisations and institutions to leverage resources, expertise and amplify movement building. 

Action projects

Implement projects and initiatives that directly address identified social issues through movement building.

Movement building masterclass